Tuesday, July 31, 2012

General Job in Schaumburg , IL - LogJobs.com

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Source: http://www.logjobs.com/job.aspx?File_Name=102910

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Port Orchard, WA 2009 Ford F-150 Used Super Cab Bremerton, WA Gig Harbor, WA Bruce Titus Port Orchard Ford for $27,988

  • Silver
  • Gray
  • CFB26156A
  • 5.4L V8
  • 1FTPX14V29KC28475
  • Automatic 6-Speed
  • 40,976 mi.
  • 4WD Super Cab (4 Door SuperCab)


CARFAX# of Owners



  • Technical

    • 4 Doors
    • Four-wheel drive
    • 4WD Type - Part-time
    • Automatic Transmission
    • Fuel economy EPA highway (mpg): 18 and EPA city (mpg): 14
  • Safety

    • Passenger Airbag
    • 4-wheel ABS brakes
    • Traction control - ABS and driveline
    • Head airbags - Curtain 1st and 2nd row
    • Stability control - With anti-roll control
  • Convenience

    • Tachometer
    • Power steering
    • Tilt steering wheel
    • Clock - In-radio display
  • Interior

  • Exterior

    • Privacy/tinted glass
    • Pickup Bed Type - Regular
    • Intermittent window wipers
  • Not all issues are reported to CARFAX. The number of owners is estimated. See the full CARFAX Report for additional information and glossary of terms.

Payment $441.65




10.0 %

0 %

100 %

8.0 %

0 %

12 %





Contact Us at (866) 996-6867

*The advertised price does not include sales tax, vehicle registration fees, finance charges, documentation charges, and any other fees required by law. We attempt to update this inventory on a regular basis. However, there can be lag time between the sale of a vehicle and the update of the inventory.

EPA mileage estimates are for newly manufactured vehicles only. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle.

Before purchasing this vehicle, it is your responsibility to address any and all differences between information on this website and the actual vehicle specifications and/or any warranties offered prior to the sale of this vehicle. Vehicle data on this website is compiled from publicly available sources believed by the publisher to be reliable. Vehicle data is subject to change without notice. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors and/or omissions in this data the compilation of this data and makes no representations express or implied to any actual or prospective purchaser of the vehicle as to the condition of the vehicle, vehicle specifications, ownership, vehicle history, equipment/accessories, price or warranties. 2009 Ford Seattle, WA 2009 Ford Tacoma, WA 2009 Ford Olympia, WA

Source: http://www.brucetitus.com/2009-Ford-F-150-Port-Orchard-WA/vd/11000685

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Tips for Finding your Writing Voice?Guest Post by Josephine Carr ...

by Josephine Carr, @ThreeKingsBooks

Jody02_06162012_webTips for Finding your Writing Voice

When my writing career began thirty years ago, I got lucky. The young adult genre was just beginning, and the market was hungry for novels with teenage protagonists. This was a boon for any unpublished writer, of course, but the real luck was something else entirely.

By writing a young adult novel, I immediately found my voice.

In reading and mentoring other new writers, I recognize that their voice is often murky, or missing entirely. I?m not the first to say this, and I know you?ve read it all over the place, but here it comes again: voice is vital.

This is no joke. You can make any number of mistakes in plotting, character development, point of view, and theme, but if you haven?t found your voice, you will not be published. (Even if you self-publish, your success will always be limited.)

Voice is intangible, difficult to define, and impossible to teach, but if you have it, everything else you might do wrong will be fixable. So what?s a writer to do?

I have some practical suggestions.

(1) Write in the first person.

This can be instantly helpful to a writer searching for their voice. When I received an offer to publish my young adult novel, No Regrets, so many years ago, it was for one reason only. I sounded distinct and unassuming. This happened despite the fact that my prose style has never been lyrical or beautiful in any way. I am a prosaic writer, with a crisp style, but by writing a story that happened to be mildly autobiographical, and in the first person, I immediately tapped into my natural writing voice.

(2) Read your own writing aloud.

This is such an easy, yet profound, method for hearing what you sound like. As you read your prose aloud, you?ll be able to tell if it sounds like you. When the voice is off, it jars, often because there?s a pretentious quality, or there are simply too many words jostling for attention.

(3) Write from your stomach, not your mind.

By writing from your gut, as opposed to your conscious mind, you will find a voice that is compelling and real. When I begin writing a novel, I can literally feel my stomach speaking. I?m not being figurative or wishy-washy by this description. I mean it. My stomach seems to expand and send out messages. Indeed, it?s possible for me to feel ever so slightly nauseous, or a little squirrelly down there when I?ve begun and then realize it?s rolling along in a way I?d never have predicted. The words tumble out in a flow like water from a faucet. If/when that happens, I know I?ve got it. Let go of your doggone head and write from the stomach.

(4) Write for yourself.

I am a huge fan of story structure and planning out a novel because it will unquestionably enhance the reader?s experience -- I studied screenwriting, and I know it?s been an important factor in my success as a writer. But the architecture of a novel comes after you?ve found your voice. In the beginning of a novel?s composition, just write a sentence or two without thinking about anyone reading what you?ve written. Be loosey-goosey and relaxed.

Your voice doesn?t merely sound like you. Your voice smells, looks, and feels like you. Without it, your writing is like a cake that fails to rise in the oven. Flat, thin, compressed. And what makes a cake rise? Baking soda and beaten eggs, both of which form bubbles in the batter.

Your words are bubbles, and they lift us to create a buoyant world, uniquely you. When you write, be yourself, even if that self is somehow scary, a failure, or imperfect. Aren?t we all?

Josephine Carr is a thirty year veteran of traditional publishing (HarperCollins, NAL/Penguin, Dial Books for Young Readers) who?s thrilled to be relaunching herself under the banner Three Kings Books. She?d welcome your visit to her blog where she posts about how to write well, publish, and survive the trials of a writer?s life. The first mystery in her new series, The Rabbi?s Mother, will be published in September, 2012. Follow her on twitter @threekingsbooks.

Source: http://mysterywritingismurder.blogspot.com/2012/07/tips-for-finding-your-writing.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ways To Learning To Be An Achievement At Home Business ?

If you have at any time dreamed of starting up your house enterprise, but just aren?t positive where to start, don?t stress. Many other people have successfully established prospering property businesses, and by subsequent their illustrations, anyone can enjoy success. Just implement the recommendation in this post and you?ll be on the way.

Be sure you bridegroom and gown for work, no matter where you will be doing work. Building this practice can help help you get in a fruitful way of thinking at the outset of each and every job treatment. It also signifies, you may be ready to execute organization away from house with a moment?s observe.

Foundation your company on one thing in which you have expertise. A lot of people looking to start a home based business feel that they may basically learn while they go. Even though this is absolutely possible, you may be considerably more profitable in case you have strong knowledge in the region which you pick. Figure out what your personal strengths are, and make your business on what you understand very best.

You should pay much of your taxes once per year. Ensure you help save adequate funds all year long to your taxation. Calculate exactly how much you will need to pay money for taxation monthly and set up these funds away. You can open a bank account to your taxation funds if needed.

In relation to taxes and your home business, you need to make certain that you know that getaways are certainly not taxation insurance deductible, nonetheless enterprise travels are. This is very advantageous since expenses immediately related to journey are entirely insurance deductible and your meals is going to be 50Per cent of the items you pay.

Is your photo discovered beneath the word Lacking on the dairy carton within your freezer? If you?re caring for your home based business a whole lot that the little ones have forgotten what you are about, it?s time to provide them with a day together with you. Consider the little ones to some amusement park then decline them off of at Grandma?s so you can have an intimate evening meal and night time with the spouse. Your family connections will need function, also!

Additional your self key legitimate and bookkeeping migraines by opening and maintaining an independent looking at and bank account for your business. Trying to keep your small business financial situation besides your own personal makes it significantly more effective to monitor enterprise profits and expenditures and is also more convenient about taxation time every year.

If you think, even though reading this post there remains much more to learn about home based business, then you?re correct. There is a lot to learn about how to be successful at home business. The data on this page is fantastic but just remember that there exists always a lot more to discover. When you use yourself, then success need to follow.

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Source: http://all-articles-directory.com/ways-to-learning-to-be-an-achievement-at-home-business/

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NYC Thyroid Workshops for Patients to Focus on Weight Loss and Diet


New York, NY (PRWEB) July 15, 2010

Best-selling author and thyroid patient advocate Mary Shomon will be leading a series of interactive workshops for thyroid patients at New York City?s Open Center on Friday July 30, 2010, and Saturday July 31, 2010.

Says Shomon, ?My workshops at the Open Center are designed to help fast-forward thyroid patients up the learning curve, arm them with information they need, and help them put together a plan to be empowered, and proactive patients. These are essentials for those of us who want to lose weight, and feel well. ?

Shomon, who is the author of ten books on thyroid disease and hormonal health, including the New York Times bestseller, ?The Thyroid Diet: Manage Your Metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss,? has been on the faculty at the Open Center, New York?s Leading Center of Holistic Learning, since 2006.

Shomon?s special guest presenter at both workshops will be holistic physician/gynecologist, health coach and writer Rebecca Elia, MD, from the Bay Area of California, who will be sharing information on how to integrate holistic ideas and practices into your life for optimum thyroid health.

Thyroid diet Workshop Focuses on the Thyroid?s Role in weight loss Challenges

The workshop titled ?The Thyroid diet for Weight Loss,? will be held on Friday July 30, 2010, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

The workshop is designed for people who may be struggling with weight loss challenges due to an undiagnosed, or insufficiently treated thyroid condition. An underactive thyroid or undertreated thyroid problem can make it difficult or impossible to lose weight ? or even cause unexpected weight gain ? in those who are following a healthy diet and exercise program. In this three-hour interactive seminar, the nation?s leading thyroid patient advocate will explore three key steps to weight loss success:

1. How to find out if you have a thyroid problem ? knowing the signs, symptoms, and risk factors for an underactive thyroid, as well as which tests needed to get a reliable diagnosis.

2. How an underactive thyroid is treated, including alternative modalities most doctors simply don?t discuss.

3. How to optimize thyroid treatment and counteract hormonal resistance syndromes ? including insulin, leptin, adrenal, and hypothalamic resistance ? that can sabotage your weight loss efforts.

Workshop participants will come away with a plan to effectively reach a healthier weight and get thyroid and hormonal resistance issues out of the way of health and weight loss success.

The Thyroid Diet workshop on July 30 is $ 35 for Open Center members, and $ 40 for nonmembers. Registration with the Open Center is by telephone at 212.219.2527 or online at: http://www.opencenter.org/the-thyroid-diet-for-weight-loss

Living with Thyroid Disease Workshop Helps Thyroid Patients Design a Personalized Wellness Plan

On Saturday July 31, 2010 the all-day, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. interactive ?Living with Thyroid Disease: Creating Your Wellness Plan? workshop will be held at the New York Open Center.

The workshop focuses on developing hands-on, practical tools and approaches to help thyroid patients feel and live well, despite an underactive or nonfunctional thyroid. By the end of the workshop, participants have mapped out a personalized plan for optimal wellness.

Most people with thyroid disease (whether it?s Hashimoto?s, nodules, Graves?/hyperthyroidism, or thyroid cancer) end up with an underactive or surgically removed thyroid and hypothyroidism, and wind up experiencing fatigue, depression, weight gain, hormonal problems and many other symptoms.

The ?Living with Thyroid Disease? workshop will help participants identify the key things they can do to feel and live better with an underactive thyroid. The areas covered in the workshop will include:

optimizing thyroid treatment
understanding thyroid medications and hormone treatments, including bioidentical hormones
finding doctors for thyroid issues
managing thyroid-related fatigue and boosting energy
helpful supplements, herbs and nutrition
yoga breathing for metabolism and stress reduction
lifestyle changes and stress management
optimal exercise approaches
weight-loss and diet for thyroid patients
hair loss solutions
navigating fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding
managing perimenopause and menopause with thyroid disease

To make the experience even more effective, and help participants put together their personalized wellness action plan, workshop attendees are encouraged to bring copies of their recent blood test results for discussion, and a list of all the medications and supplements (with all the ingredients) they?re taking.

The ?Living with Thyroid Disease: Creating Your Wellness Plan? workshop is $ 120 for Open Center members, and $ 130 for nonmembers. In addition, the day of the workshop, participants will need to pay an additional $ 10 materials fee directly to Mary Shomon to cover the cost of the comprehensive workshop information materials package. Registration with the Open Center is by telephone at 212.219.2527 or online at:


Thyroid Workshop Information and Registration

All workshops are being held at :

The New York Open Center

22 E. 30th Street (between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue)

New York, NY 10016

Web: http://www.opencenter.org

Registration for the thyroid workshops is by telephone at 212.219.2527 or online at


Personalized Thyroid Coaching Sessions With Mary Shomon

A limited number of slots are available for 60 or 90 minute personalized, face-to-face thyroid coaching sessions with Mary Shomon on Thursday July 29, 2010 and Sunday August 1st in Manhattan. Interested thyroid patients can e-mail Mary Shomon at coaching@thyroid-info.com to set up a session.

About Mary Shomon

Mary Shomon is a thyroid patient advocate and author who, after her own diagnosis with Hashimoto?s thyroiditis in 1995, has transformed her journey with thyroid disease into an advocacy, empowerment and informational campaign on behalf of patients with chronic diseases such as thyroid disease, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances and metabolic challenges. Since early 1997, Shomon has served as Guide for the About.com Thyroid website at http://thyroid.about.com ? part of the New York Times Co. ? and as founder/editor of the popular patient thyroid newsletter, ?Sticking Out Our Necks? and Thyroid-Info website at http://www.thyroid-info.com online. Shomon is also the founder of the Coalition for Better Thyroid Care, an international thyroid patient advocacy organization, located on the web at http://www.betterthyroidcare.org and at http://www.facebook.com/BetterThyroidCare on Facebook.

Shomon?s desire to cut through medical jargon and deliver information to her fellow patients in a form they can understand resulted in her first health-related book, the best-selling ?Living Well With Hypothyroidism: What Your Doctor Doesn?t Tell You?That You Need to Know,? which was first published in 2000 by HarperCollins, and went to more than 25 printings before a revised Second Edition of the popular book was published in 2005. ?Living Well With Hypothyroidism? was a Prevention Book Club Selection, and Amazon.com top-selling health book, and its popularity launched a new series of consumer health books for publisher HarperCollins.

Shomon is also author of ?The Thyroid Diet: Manage Your Metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss,? which was on New York Times Bestseller list, was an Amazon.com Top 10 Health Books of the Year listing, and a semifinalist for the prestigious Quills Awards.

Shomon is also author of a number of other popular thyroid-related books, including ?The Menopause Thyroid Solution,? ?The Thyroid Hormone Breakthrough,? ?Living Well With Graves? Disease and Hyperthyroidism,? ?Living Well With Autoimmune Disease? and ?The Thyroid Guide to Hair Loss.? Her books have been published in German, French, and UK editions, and an upcoming Spanish-language book on thyroid disease will be released in late 2010.

Shomon is on the faculty of the New York Open Center, and is a member of the Endocrine Society, the Association of Health Care Journalists, and the National Writer?s Union. Shomon is also one of the first patient members of the American Academy on Communication in Healthcare, a professional society dedicated to research and education in patient-doctor communications.

Since 1997, in her role as a thyroid patient advocate, Shomon has been featured in hundreds of television, radio, newspaper, magazine and web interviews worldwide, including appearances on ABC World News Tonight and CBS Radio Networks, WOR radio, and interviews in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, First for Women, Ladies Home Journal, Health, Cooking Light, Elle Magazine, Woman?s World, and the Los Angeles Times, among others.

In addition to her advocacy and writing, Shomon is also a health coach. Her information is available online at http://www.thyroid-info.com, http://www.thyroidcoaching.com, and at http://www.facebook.com/thyroidsupport on Facebook. Shomon can also be followed at http://www.twitter.com/thyroidmary / @thyroidmary on Twitter.

About Rebecca Elia, MD

A special guest presenter at both workshops will be Rebecca Elia, MD, a holistic physician from the Bay Area, who will be sharing information on how to integrate mind-body approaches into thyroid health and wellness.

For over twenty years, Dr. Rebecca Elia has worked with thousands of women in her office practice as a holistic gynecologist. She received her medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine and completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Northern California. She became Board Certified in 1993. Her passion to understand the connection between the multiple factors shaping an individual?s life and health fueled her decision to become a physician. She now focuses her attention on personalized health coaching, teaching and speaking opportunities, and workshops, with a specialization in how imbalances in our mind-body-spirit affect our health.

Dr. Elia has worked in both large HMO systems and also in the private sector with renowned women?s health expert Dr. Christiane Northrup.

Dr. Elia is a health coach, and is currently working on her first book, ?Creating Feminine Health, Finding Balance in a Masculine World.? She also maintains several popular blogs, and an email newsletter, ?Creating Feminine Health Newsletter.? Her information is available online at http://www.rebeccaelia.com and she can be followed at http://www.twitter.com/rebeccaelia / @rebeccaelia on Twitter.

# # #

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Source: http://howcanyouloseweighttoday.com/2012/07/28/nyc-thyroid-workshops-for-patients-to-focus-on-weight-loss-and-diet-frustrations-and-thyroid-disease-wellness-plans-best-way-to-relax-lose-weight/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Flavia Del Monte Reviews For Flavilicious Fitness Workout Revealed


Houston, TX (PRWEB) May 14, 2012

Flavilicious fitness head trainer, Flavia Del Monte previously released Full Body Licious and her upcoming Curvalicious workout have been receiving raving reviews for her female workouts. Last year Flavia burst on to the female fitness scene with her top selling workout program Full Body Licious and now as an encore on May 21st she will be releasing Curvalicious workouts.

A quick Flavia Del Monte review from http://FlaviliciousFitness.org shows that she is a former pediatric nurse who has studied from the best nutritional experts and has trained with many top trainers including her husband, WBFF fitness pro Vince Delmonte. A fitness cover model herself, Flavia has help hundreds of ladies transform their bodies with her Full Body Licious workout program.

Full Body Licious is 6 disk DVD workout set focusing on 5 separate body parts. The program does require you to be ultra-fit to start Flavia Delmontes Flavilicious Fitness program. At whatever stage one is; from needing to get rid of those last few stubborn pounds right through to being very overweight or even wanting a to know how to get a model body, this body shaping program can be used to target the perfect regime which is personal to that individual.

For those who want a complete Full Body Licious review and to get access to the program should visit: http://flaviliciousfitness.org/full-body-licous-review-flavilicious-fitness-flavia-delmonte

Currently in development is her new Curvalicious workout program which will be released on the 21st. The theme of the program is Metabolic Fat Loss Workouts for Toned, Defined, Sexy Curves. In this program, which contains versions for at home and the gym, Flavia tackles how ladies can finally get the toned body they desire.

Many women still fear muscle and thereby detour progress in what should be a relatively easy goal, ?toning?. Women are told they can?t get big muscle because of hormones and then paradoxically are told to use low weight and high reps. Women spend years trying to achieve what a few months could potentially bring if the stimulation was progressed to a reasonably higher level.

This is why Curvalicious was created. Toning, as people call it, should be the easiest goal to accomplish, but due to all the misconceptions about it most people just spin their wheels and that exercise doesn?t work for them, and end up resorting to the Stars? extreme diets and become addicted to dieting.

For those who want more infomation on this program should visit: Curvalicious

For those who want instant access to Full Body Licious can go to the official page here.

For those who want instant access to Curvalicious can go to the official page here.

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Source: http://howcanyouloseweighttoday.com/2012/07/27/flavia-del-monte-reviews-for-flavilicious-fitness-workout-revealed-weight-loss-exercises/

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Traffic Building to Make Money Online - ShowBed.com

27 July

Author: FerreeDrury970 ?/ ?Category: Uncategorized

Use of traffic building to make money online

Believed of traffic building as one of the techniques to make money online? Some people get discouraged whenever they contemplate the selection of Google and think that they can not make it. You will find thousands and thousands of individuals who utilize the internet of day after day. This should be motivating sufficient for an individual to go on along with your search engine building desire. The Google folks started out simply like you together with every single day they may be generating enormous profits. Consider the accessible chances along with get on. Do not necessarily aim at rivaling Google, start out and within no time you will become making lots of money by means of the search engine. Nevertheless this will need you to possess some considerable amount of earnings for new venture.

Keep in mind that the entire process will be digital and you also will need to have to have solid and highly effective hosts. Inside couple of months, your business will be up and running.

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Link building is mostly more of affiliate marketing. The reason being vast majority of the those who do affiliate marketing rely therefore hard on link building so they can find a way to range way up many of the business operations. So they can successfully build their particular lists, bulk of the link builders ensure that they will preserve the people?s brand of the list for an any period of time of time so they really can make use of the win-win scenario. That they majorly make use of websites like Getresponse to get the required information

To learn more, go to best online business for women and also make money fast

Source: http://showbed.com/uncategorized/2012/07/27/traffic-building-to-make-money-online/

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Customer Service Associate Senior-Business

Provides customer support to business customers via the telephone and/or Internet (e.g. instant message, email). Handles customer inquiries and resolves simple and basic support issues, such as address changes, processing orders, warranty, or billing/payment. For product or service-related issues, will move customer to appropriate Product Support Specialist. Performs other administrative duties as requested.
. Provides customer support by phone, email, or instant message to business customers. Serves as primary contact for inbound customer issues. Escalates more technical product-related issues to the proper Product Support department.
. Processes a high volume of customer inquiries of FIS products and services, and resolves a targeted percentage of those inquiries.
. Troubleshoots customer problems, identifies the root cause of the problem, and uses tool and resources appropriately to determine how to resolve customer problems.
. When unable to resolve the problem in a reasonable amount of time, will escalate to the appropriate resource. Follows up on escalated issues with coaching and mentoring to learn the appropriate solution and expand overall knowledge.
. Tracks and documents inbound support requests and ensures proper notation of customer problems or issues.
. Updates customer information and ensures accurate entry of contact information.
. Meets the standards of the job, such as quality standards, adherence to schedule, and average handle time.
. May provide guidance and/or mentoring to less experienced Customer Service Associates - Business.
A high school diploma or equivalent is required. Associate or Bachelor's degree is preferable; or equivalent combination of education and experience that is required for the specific job level.
. Knowledge of the company's products, services and business operations to enable resolution of customer inquiries
. Excellent customer service skills that build high levels of customer satisfaction
. Excellent verbal and written communication skills
. Computer navigation and operation skills
. Demonstrates effective people skills and sensitivities when dealing with others
. Ability to work both independently and in a team environment

job description care was taken to include all competencies needed to successfully perform in this position. However, for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) purposes, the essential functions of the job may or may not have been described for purposes of ADA reasonable accommodation. All reasonable accommodation requests will be reviewed and evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
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More Information ?


Source: http://www.localhelpwanted.net/dothan/cgi-bin/Jobs/id/56841/

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Friday, July 27, 2012

2 dead after winds slam Midwest, Northeast

As powerful storms, with lightning and high winds, ripped through the Northeast, the Twittersphere thundered with users uploading pictures. TODAY's Natalie Morales reports.

By Miguel Llanos, NBC News and news services

Updated at 9:00 a.m. ET: At least two people were killed after severe thunderstorms unleashed heavy rain and strong winds across parts of the Midwest and Northeast on Thursday, grounding hundreds of flights and leaving tens of thousands of people without power.

In Brooklyn, N.Y., a??61-year-old man was killed when scaffolding fell on him after lightning struck a church steeple, WNBC reported.?Police say the lightning brought down bricks onto some church scaffolding, causing part of it to collapse on the man as he walked by. He was pronounced dead at Long Island College Hospital shortly after the 8 p.m. accident in Cobble Hill.

The Associated Press reported?that a second person, a woman in Pennsylvania, was killed by a falling tree.

The storms spawned a tornado that touched down in Elmira, New York, damaging a mall and a local country club, the National Weather Service said.

Other towns across?eastern Ohio, western Pennsylvania and upstate New York also reported downed trees.

"Emergency crews are responding to numerous calls, including reported fires and downed power lines," the Elmira Star Gazette reported. "Many streets are impassable due to fallen trees and power lines, as well as traffic signals knocked out by power outages."

As the storms sent black, menacing clouds rolling across some cities, hail ranging from the size of a dime to a quarter fell in some areas of Pennsylvania, AccuWeather.com said.

More than 51,000 customers were without power in Ohio, said American Electric Power of Ohio. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement that the storms knocked out power for nearly 93,700 utility customers across the state.

Adam Fenster / Reuters

Jessica Stansfield poses for a photo below an enormous uprooted tree after the town was hit by a tornado in Elmira, N.Y., July 26. Severe thunderstorms unleashed heavy rain and strong winds across parts of the Midwest and Northeast on Thursday, grounding hundreds of flights and leaving tens of thousands of people without power.

In New Jersey, more than 10,000 customers suffered power outages.

A tornado watch was issued through Thursday night for parts of?Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Vermont.?

The storm activity forced the cancellation of over 900 flights on Thursday, according to FlightAware, a Texas-based company that tracks the status of flights. The highest number of cancellations was at LaGuardia Airport in New York.

Lucas Jackson / Reuters

A storm cloud begins to dump rain as it passes over the Brooklyn borough of New York on Thursday.

Flight delays were also reported at airports in Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington D.C., the Federal Aviation Administration said on its website.

Related story: Worst drought areas rise by 50 percent

A severe thunderstorm watch was issued for portions of Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

The National Weather Service's Storm Prediction Center said that "hail (up) to 2 inches in diameter, thunderstorm wind gusts to 80 miles per hour and dangerous lightning are possible in these areas."


A tornado moved through Elmira, N.Y. on Thursday.

Thunderstorms that swept through Westchester County, north of New York City, toppled trees and caused power outages.

Trees fell across the tracks of the Metro North commuter rail system's Harlem Line and brought train traffic to a halt on the line north of Chappaqua, the town that is home to former U.S. President Bill Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/26/12969763-2-dead-after-winds-slam-midwest-northeast-twister-hits-ny-town?lite

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Cooking Up Faith: One Way a Mother Can Feel Closer to God

A busy, hot day can make us not only feel drained physically, but drained spiritually.?

This simple idea may lift you up and keep you going mentally, physically, and spiritually throughout the day...

Carry around a topical Bible for women throughout your day. These topical Bibles have quick and uplifting scriptures on home, motherhood, family, perseverance, patience, ect.

In your home, read through the scriptures as you eat a quick snack or while your kids play. Take it with you in the car and read the scriptures while you wait at a stop light or at the bank.?

Staying in God's Word is just as refreshing as a glass of cold ice water or a having time to actually take that shower you've been dreaming about! :)

(This is a great one!! I got mine?here?for a few bucks!)

Source: http://www.cookingupfaith.com/2012/07/one-way-mother-can-feel-closer-to-god.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Oxford Finance Provides 25 Million Senior Credit

Print?? Email?
7/25/2012 6:51:08 AM

ALEXANDRIA, Va., July 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Oxford Finance LLC ("Oxford"), a specialty finance firm that provides senior debt to life sciences and healthcare services companies, today announced it closed a $25 million debt facility with ZONARE Medical Systems, Inc. Proceeds of the loan will be used for growth capital and to further the development of its ultrasound technology.

"Oxford is proud to have a long-term business relationship with ZONARE," said Christopher A. Herr, managing director for Oxford Finance. "It is a growth-oriented, progressive company that has remained an industry leader, enabling high-quality images with its next-generation ultrasound technology."

"We are excited to partner with Oxford in bringing state-of-the-art ultrasound to healthcare providers globally," said Tim Marcotte, president and CEO of ZONARE. "We both are committed to delivering excellence in patient care and ZONARE is pleased to be working with this highly respected financial firm."

About Oxford Finance LLC

Oxford Finance is a specialty finance firm providing senior secured loans to public and private life sciences and healthcare services companies worldwide. For over 20 years, Oxford has delivered flexible financing solutions to its clients, enabling these companies to maximize their equity by leveraging their assets. In recent years, Oxford has originated over $1.5 billion in loans, with lines of credit ranging from $500 thousand to $50 million. Oxford is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, with additional offices in California, Massachusetts, Illinois and North Carolina. For more information visit www.oxfordfinance.com.

About ZONARE Medical Systems, Inc.

ZONARE Medical Systems, Inc., based in Mountain View, Calif., is solely dedicated to ultrasound excellence through its innovative, software-based, next generation technology which provides the platform for the company's living technology designed to meet its customers evolving imaging needs. The patented design and architecture of the z.one ultrasound platform delivers high-end image quality and clinical versatility at unparalleled value. ZONARE's exclusive, next generation ultrasound focus resulted in Frost & Sullivan awarding the 2011 North American Technology Innovation Award in Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging Technology to ZONARE. For more information, visit: www.zonare.com.

SOURCE Oxford Finance LLC

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Warfighter Boone Cutler Announces he has Early Onset Parkinson's ...

Boone & Malisalou Cutler: Discuss Boone?s recent diagnosis of Early Onset Parkinson?s Disease related to blast injury in Iraq. Watch the video to understand the signs & symptoms. In advance, they thank everyone for their love and support . . .and want everyone to know that brain disease is not a death sentence.
Video Rating: 5 / 5


Source: http://myveryhealthy.com/todays-healthcare/warfighter-boone-cutler-announces-he-has-early-onset-parkinsons-disease.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=warfighter-boone-cutler-announces-he-has-early-onset-parkinsons-disease

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Focus on the Family Community: Relationships and Marriage ...

Hello ...


I have never written in a forum like this before but I really need help. My husband and I have ben married for 10 years and do not have any children yet. My husband has been on 3 deployments with the military and and been home for about 3 months. He has had several affairs over the past few years and has now declared that he is no longer "in love" with me. He lies about everything to everyone. nothing is important to him anymore; family, character, integrity... only friends, phone and car. I have told him that we have both made mistakes in our marriage but that if we turn to God, He will help us to heal and be better than we ever imagined. He says he is tired and does not want to do this anymore.


He has moved out and is living at his mothers house. She and I speak daily and she is ill over the choices that he is making.. but there is nothing that any of us can do but pray. He has told me that he has spoken to an attorney and that he wants to be divorced. I told him that I do not think this is right and that he should not make decisions while he is confused by another relationship. This other woman is not helping.. she knows we are married and that I do not want this. She says that she is a Christian ... but I told see how that plays out in her actions. She is divorced and went to high school with my husband. He has had a lot of disappointment with his civilian career and I think that is contributing to this a great deal.


I have told him that based on his choices I will not continue to pay for his phone or car while he is not working. We still see each other occasionally and he comes to our home and cuts the grass, lets the dog out, and has offered to fix a problem with my car.


I am scared and unsure of the future. I am trying to back off and let God find him but I get so impatient and just want to begin working on things .. I am sure that what I need to work on right now is me and growing my relationship with God but I feel like I am running in sand.


Is there hope for my marriage? Please pray for us ... and any Christian advice would be greatly appreciated.



Source: http://www.focusonlinecommunities.com/thread/24710

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Lambs on the Lam Suggest Selfishness Motivates Herd Behavior

News | Evolution

Sheep, a dog and GPS tracking reveal evolutionary rules behind sociality

Image: King et al., Current Biology Volume 22 Issue 14

How does a Venus flytrap know when to snap shut? Can it actually feel an insect?s tiny, spindly legs? And how do cherry blossoms know when to bloom? Can they...

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Sheep may come across as simple, straightforward followers. But as those who work with the animals know, sheep can behave in surprising ways. For one, flocking may not show a friendly tendency?there might be selfish motivations as well.

In research published on July 24 in the print edition of Current Biology, scientists monitoring sheep have demonstrated empirical support for a behavioral theory first proposed almost 40 years ago. "We're getting to the nitty-gritty of the real evolutionary rules selected for in behavior," says behavioral ecologist Andrew King of the University of London Royal Veterinary College, a co-author on the study. King has studied sociality in birds, fish, baboons and even humans?and believes these rules of group behavior found in sheep could apply more broadly. "If we can understand how these rules work, we can hint at similar systems and common principles across species."

Selfish-herd theory, first proposed by the British evolutionary biologist W. D. Hamilton in 1973, posits that individuals dilute their risk of predation by moving into a larger group?a "Don't eat me, eat this other guy!" response. Although widely cited, the theory is difficult to test in the field given the unpredictable nature of predators and challenge of observing movements in a large group of animals.

The interactions between sheep and sheepdog, however, provide an ideal testing ground. "Working with sheep is great because you can measure their movements and even tell the dog when to begin," King says. "You have control of the whole system but it remains really natural as well."

King?with colleagues at the University of London and University of Cambridge?outfitted 46 sheep with GPS backpacks to enable second-by-second remote tracking. They then orchestrated a predator event by releasing an Australian Kelpie, a sheepdog that also wore a GPS module, on the flock. In each of three trials, the approaching dog drove the sheep in a fleecy flurry while scientists recorded how each individual in the group moved.

In each trial, the sheep ran rapidly toward the center, jostling for position within the group, as selfish-herd theory would predict. To further suss out the rules behind the sheep's movements, the biologists compared the observed behavior with various mathematically modeled scenarios. As they report in Current Biology, one of the patterns they noted relates to the kind of predator behavior that triggers a sheep's flight. Whereas one hypothesis suggests an individual will start running when a predator is within a given distance, the researchers found instead that sheep won't start moving until the dog has approached a relative midpoint of neighboring sheep. The finding suggests that sheep have some level of social-spatial awareness, possibly because they do not want their herd scattered.

This particular predator?prey model may have a few confounding elements, however, particularly because the sheepdog has no intention of eating the sheep and the latter may be familiar with the dog's approach. Nevertheless, the authors found the response of the sheep to be so consistent that they believe it makes for a reliable representation of predator?prey interaction.

"How individuals move relative to one another within groups to avoid predation has remained an intriguing yet vexing field of research," says behavioral ecologist M. Justin O'Riain at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. O'Riain, who has studied how seals move into more compact groups when a shark approaches, notes that the innovative use of GPS technology in the study by King and colleagues takes these questions to "a new and exciting level."

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=14ec55c401877f3fdbf386d6f5d081c3

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Real estate agents speak out about realtor stealing jewelry - WTOC ...


A South Carolina real estate agent is still behind bars Tuesday in Chatham County and local real estate professionals are talking about the arrest.

Darrell Finch has been charged with stealing expensive jewelry from the home of his clients and then selling it to jewelry shops in the area. He has been in trouble with the law before. He was also arrested in Florida for the theft. But, because South Carolina does not require criminal background checks on new real estate agents, he was able to get his license and a job on Hilton Head Island.

"Well, this has been disappointing. Realtors pride themselves on being a trusted source for the community and for each other. This has been very disappointing for our profession," said Jean Beck, Hilton Head Realtor Association.

Beck says private companies like RE/MAX, where Finch recently worked, can run their own criminal background checks on new hires but advises that they check with their lawyers first.?

Beaufort County Sheriff's Office says they are still trying to locate jewelry and are investigating any links to Finch. The Chatham County Sheriff's Office says Finch was not given bond and is still behind bars.

Copyright 2012?WTOC. All rights reserved.

Source: http://www.wtoc.com/story/19104259/real-estate-agents-speak-out-about-realtor-stealing-jewelry

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

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Britain?s young royals to attend Olympic events

As official ambassadors for the British team, Duchess Kate will be watching gymnastics and synchronized swimming, William will see a Team GB soccer match and Harry will be dropping by beach volleyball. And they will all attend equestrian events.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46952788/vp/48300813#48300813

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Avanti launches prepaid, Ka-band satellite internet access, wants us Yelping from the Alps

Avanti launches prepaid, Kaband satellite internet access, wants us Skyping from the Alps

Avanti has been beaming satellite broadband to Europe for awhile, but it's been tied to a subscription through carrier deals. That's a tough sell to customers who, by definition, don't want to be tied to anything -- which is why the company just launched prepaid satellite internet access for the continent. Although the Ka-band service's 4Mbps downstream and 1Mbps upstream speeds won't have anyone dropping their 330Mbps fiber anytime soon, the pay-as-you-go strategy will let travelers and rural dwellers get broadband in a pinch, no matter how spotty terrestrial access might get. Imagine Skype calls during Swiss ski vacations and you've got the gist of it. Carriers will resell the data in healthy doses of 1GB or larger, and Avanti is adamant that there won't be any nasty throttling surprises waiting in store. While exact prices will depend on partners, the provider isn't waiting for those details before it covers much of the Old World: its upcoming HYLAS 2 satellite (what you see above) will share the speed with Africa, the Caucasus region and the Middle East as of August 2nd, making it almost too easy for us to update Google+ in Georgia.

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Avanti launches prepaid, Ka-band satellite internet access, wants us Yelping from the Alps originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 23 Jul 2012 12:14:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/23/avanti-launches-prepaid-ka-band-satellite-internet-access/

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